

We will not have a meeting this week Thursday October 26th, everyone should receive a call about working the concession stand for the children's home auction Sunday afternoon the 29th. If you do not get a call or we miss you please call or e-mail me back to let me know if you can work and we will assign you to one of the shifts. I am considering Monday night to take a trip to one of the local spook houses if any of the adults are available to drive please let me know and we can let everyone know Sunday about the times to meet. I e-mailed the list of Merit badges available for the two MBU's that are coming up in December, we will need to get signed up early to assure you get to take the MB that you want at Sikeston, remember we are not planning on going as a group to Poplar Bluff so you will need to arrange your own transportation. If any that are planning to go and have extra space please let me know how many you can take so we can make rides available to everyone that would like to participate.


Poole Lodge

We will go to Poole Lodge this weekend Saturday Sept. 23. If you are planning on going please let me know as soon as possible.


Quick Notes

PLC meeting tonight at the scout hut 7:30 PM the air should be fixed. Meeting Thursday night at 7:00 PM. OA members going to fall reunion should meet at the scout hut at 4:30 Friday afternoon, Mr. Nadler will be taking you up.


New Patrol Leaders Elected 8/24/06

Flaming Arrows
Patrol Leader

Michael Nadler
Asst. Patrol Leader
Jason Rasberry

Flaming Eagles
Patrol Leader

Stephen Craig
Asst. Patrol Leader
Ethan Seats

Patrol Leader

Bryce McPherson
Asst. Patrol Leader
Gage Olson

There will be a Patrol Leaders Council meeting at the scout hut Tuesday night Sept. 5th at 7:30 PM to plan Septembers meetings. This is for Patrol Leaders only along with the SPL and ASPL. If a Patrol Leader can't make it please have your Asst. Patrol leader attend we must have at least one scout from each patrol attend. I am e-mailing out a list of patrols with phone numbers for each patrol leader. Patrol leaders should make contact with their patrol each week to remind them about meetings and upcoming events.


Troop Committee Meeting

There will be a Troop Committee meeting at 6 PM Thursday night at the scout hut before we have our School Night for Scouting, if you showed interest in helping or would like to help out in some way please be there. If you can't be there please give me a call. Also if any adults are interested in helping me post to the blog, e-mail me and I can send you a invite and tell you what to do. I encourage everyone to post their comments by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of each posting.

School Night for Scouting

Thursday night August 31st will be our annual School Night for Scouting Campaign at the Scout Hut at 7 PM. Invite your friends 11 and older to come out and see what scouting is all about, we will have a short meeting and then some activities and snacks to follow. Josh Chumbley our new District Executive will be going to the middle school and handing out fliers on Thursday. I would like to encourage all the scouts to wear your Class A or at least Class B to school on Thursday to help promote our Troop.


Thanks to all who came out Thursday night

I really appreciate the turnout we had at our Court of Honor this week. It's always fun to show the parents what the scouts have accomplished and as you saw they really have done a lot over the last few months. We are now ready to kick off the School year and there will be many things coming up this fall for everyone to do. Don't forget Thursday August 31st is school night for scouting, invite your friends to come by and see what's going on at scouts, lets keep our troop growing!!!!!! I want to thank the parents that have volunteered to help out with the Troop Committee, you will be getting a call from the Committee Chairman about when would be the best time for a meeting. I hope to see every scout at the meeting Thursday night so we can get things going and growing for the fall.


Court of Honor

Troop 272 will hold their Court of Honor on Thursday August 17th at the Church of Christ Activity Center located behind the Church on Slicer St. We will start at 7PM and all scouts with their parents are invited to attend.